Tag Archives: .NET

Software Development Podcasts – 2013 Edition

I was recently chatting with some coworkers about podcasts I listen to, so I thought I should document that list for easy sharing and to find some gems I am missing.

I have taken advantage of my commute time and turned my commute into Automobile University as talked about by Zig Ziglar. I heard this idea via some fitness blogs I was reading where the trainers were talking about ways to continuously improve, and decided I would apply that idea to my commute, walks, or even running errands.

The other thing I have started taking advantage of is the ability of podcast players to play at double speed. Most podcasts out there do well at one-and-a-half or double speed, and have heard that some players even support three-times speed. This allows you to dramatically increase your consumption rate if you can follow along at those speeds. You may not understand everything that is said, but you can always go back and re-listen to sections if needed, let it broaden your known unknowns, and at the least it should help to remove some of your unknown unknowns.

I did a listing of Software Development Podcasts previously, and am going to try and make this a yearly or bi-yearly update based off how frequently this list of podcasts change in my rotation.

.NET Podcasts

Ruby Podcasts

  • Ruby Rogues – Panel discussion on various Ruby related topics and projects.

Clojure Podcasts

  • The Cognicast – Formerly Think Relevance podcast
  • Mostly λazy – Infrequent updates, but enjoyed the episodes that have been released

JavaScript Podcasts

  • JavaScript Jabber – Panel discussion on JavaScript topics, started by the host who started Ruby Rogues. The first episodes were hard to listen to due to some negativity, but have picked up listening to it again in the 50’s episode numbers, and working my way back as I get a chance.

Erlang Podcasts

  • Mostly Erlang – Panel discussion mostly about Erlang, but touches on related topics and other functional programming languages and how they relate to Erlang.


  • The Changelog – Podcast about Open Source projects from The Changelog
  • The Wide Teams Podcast – Hosted by one of the panelists of Ruby Rogues, with a focus on distributed software development, with the goal to find out the good and the bad experiences and help share information on how distributed teams work.
  • Software Engineering Radio – Recently I have only been finding a few shows on topics that seem interesting, but have a large backlog of shows with interesting topics.
  • GitMinutes – Podcast covering Git source control management.

New Comers

These are podcasts that I have only listened to a couple of episodes of, either because they have only released a couple, or have just started trying them.

On my list to check out

  • Food Fight – Podcast on DevOps
  • The Freelancers Show – Started by the same host of JavaScript Jabber and Ruby Rogues about freelancing. I would think the information would be relevant to full time employees even for working to build ones career.

If you have any other podcasts that are good please feel free to add your list of podcasts that I have left out to the comments.

**Updated 2013-10-24 7:54 CDT to include link to previous list of Software Development Podcasts
**Updated 2013-10-24 22:13 CDT to include The Changelog, a “podcast covering what’s new and interesting in open source”
**Updated 2013-10-24 22:28 CDT to include GitMinutes

Looking for a new job

The company I have been working for had to just go through a round of layoffs, due to not getting one of their main contracts renewed do to lack of funding by the state, and I have been included in that round.

My primary experience has been in C# on the Microsoft .Net framework for the past 10 years. Of those 10 years, 9 of them were working against the same product, and product suite allowing me to learn how some inconsequential decisions are not so inconsequential long term, and the value of care and commitment to a code base can be.

I am thinking that this would be a good opportunity to open myself up in trying to venture into a new language and toolset such as Ruby or Clojure. This is my open announcement for anybody who would like to poach a .Net developer if you are having problems finding developers fluent in your programming language.


Support for Arrays in Constructors using Castle Windsor

As I mentioned in my post Aspect Oriented Timing in C# with Castle Windsor, we are using Castle Windsor as our Inversion of Container on our current project.

In the process of adding a couple of new features, there were places where the new code had to fit in to existing places where there were a longer (more than simply just a single if/else) set of conditionals. To address the changes that I needed to make, I added another conditional to go with the existing ones. This change was in the mood of make it work, knowing I would come back after it worked to make it right, and that this change would allow me to confirm the smell I was “sure” I was smelling.

One I had it working, I came back to make it right. The route I wanted to go was to emulate the refactoring Replace Conditional with Polymorphism by creating a “handler” abstraction, and pulling the logic for each of the conditionals into a separate implementation of the handler.

My new interface was defined as:

public interface INewHandler
  bool CanHandle(ISomeObject obj);
  void Handle(ISomeObject obj);

I then moved out the logic in each of the conditionals, as well as the conditionals themselves into new handlers. The conditionals were moved into the CanHandle method, and the body of the conditional was moved to the HandleMethod of the implementation.

With these defined, it became just a matter of using a LINQ query to find either the first, or all items that could handle the object, and then just call the Handle method on the ones that matched the filter.

    Where(h => h.CanHandle(someObj)).
    ForEach(h => h.Handle(someObj));

After having this, all we need now is the ability to have all of the implementations injected into the constructor. This gets us to the title of this post, about having arrays injected into constructors. First we have to configure the container to add a new ArrayResolver as a subresolver.

container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new ArrayResolver(container.Kernel));

After this, I want to pick up all implementations of the INewHandler in all assemblies.

    AllTypes.FromAssemblyInDirectory(new AssemblyFilter("bin")).
    Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.PerWebRequest)

After adding these two to the registration of Castle Windsor, I now get all implementations injected into my constructor when I declare a constructor parameter that is a type of INewHandler[].

Hope someone else can find this helpful.


Aspect Oriented Timing in C# with Castle Windsor

I was making some refurbishments on some reporting code in our application that used EF and was suffering from the Select N+1 problem. If truth, it was much worse, as it was an Select N+1 problem up to 6 levels deep depending on where the report was run from.

I was changing the code to use a denormalized view from the database, and then run a SQL Query using Entity Framework. When doing this I was asked to get the timings of the report, both against the new way, and the existing way.

As this is incidental to what I was really trying to do, I did not want to litter timing code, and logging mechanisms into classes that already existed. This smelled of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). While I had not done anything using AOP before, I knew that it was great for cross-cutting concerns like logging, timings, etc. Having been digging into Clojure and LISP recently, this also seemed like cases of the :before, :after and :around methods in Common LISP, or the similar behavior in Eiffel as pointed out in Bertrand Meyer’s Object Oriented Software Construction, not to mention the time function in Clojure which is a function whose single concern is simply the to manage capturing the timing a function passed into it. My hope was to simplify, or un-complect, the code, and keep those concerns separate.

In our project, we have Castle Windsor setup as the IOC container, and Windsor supports a type of Aspect Oriented Programming using something called Interceptors. I found documentation on setting it up on a post by Ayende, and one Andre Loker. The issue was some of the places I wanted to setup the capturing of the timings were in different areas than where the handlers were registered for Windsor.

After some hunting around, I managed to come up with being able to add an interceptor to an already registered component by using the following line of code, where the IReportingService is the class I want to time the method calls around, and the LogTimingInterceptor is the class that captures the timing of the method call and sends it to the logger:

container.Kernel.GetHandler(typeof(IReportingService)).ComponentModel.Interceptors.Add(new InterceptorReference(typeof(LogTimingInterceptor)));

Hope someone else can find this useful,

Projects as Code Bookshelves

Just a quickie post to share an analogy I came up with the other day about projects/DLLs and code organization.

I had just created a new project in our .NET application, with only one file in it. Previously I created a couple of new classes and when I did, I added them to various projects where they didn’t really belong, so after doing that a few times I decided it was time I created a new project.

When asked about that project with only one file in it, I gave my above rationale, and then gave the following statement:

Think of it like buying a new bookshelf, right now we only have one book on it, but now we have a place to put our books.

We will likely never migrate all those items that belong in the project to be there. But from now on, as we take the book off the bookshelf, we now have a place that we can put that book when we put it up where it makes more sense, instead of putting our cookbook back between Homer’s Odyssey and Bill Willingham‘s Fables or Neil Gaiman‘s Sandman.


Using Entity Framework to run SQL queries

At work we are using Entity Framework, and we have some reports that we were using that were taking a long time to run. The culprit was the Select N+1 monster, which was rearing its ugly head, really 4 or 5 of them, as we were having the Select N+1 problem that many levels deep, practically loading the whole database.

In working to solve this I created some views in the database, with some SQL that was going to need to be run against those views from the codebase. This is because it may be more like a table function, but I still have to get with our DBA to find the gaps in my solution, but in the mean time I had a SQL statement that I need to run from the application, and did not want to get into pure ADO.NET and having to transform data records into the objects I was wanting to return. I found a solution from Craig Stuntz, and applied that to our code base.

I have my code starting from the DbContext, as opposed to just the ObjectContext, and have not done anything to think about SQL Injection attack in this example.

public class ColumnSummary
    public string ColumnName { get; set; }
    public bool IsNullable { get; set; }
    public int? MaxLength { get; set; }

public IEnumerable<ColumnSummary> GetColumnsForTable(string tableName)
    string sql = @"
select Column_Name as ColumnName, Is_Nullable as IsNullable, Character_Maximum_Length as MaxLength

    var context = ((IObjectContextAdapter)_dbContext).ObjectContext;
    return context.ExecuteStoreQuery<ColumnSummary>(sql, new SqlParameter("@tableName", tableName));

This allows me to run SQL, and not have to worry about handling the mapping myself, but just let the Entity Framework data access layers handle that for me, as long as I give it something that matches the results set.

And if you need to do this in multiple places, I would recommend creating some sort of SQL Query object, which would take in the SQL statement you would like to run and the SQLParameters to pass to ExecuteStoreQuery, and let the SQL Query object hide the details of the how the query gets run, and have those details behind a walled garden.


Automatically disposing IDisposable?

Reading up on Ruby, I was intrigued by the way file operations are handled. Primarily the fact that Ruby allows you to pass a block as a parameter to Open method of a File object. When you do this it opens the file for you, passes the file to the block, and then closes the file when the block is done executing, relieving you of having to manage checking to make sure the file is open, as well as making sure that the file is closed when your are done using it.

Below is the example that is shown in Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas.

File.open("archive.log", "a") do |f|
  f.each_line { |line| puts "Got #{line.dump}" }

This ability seemed similar to how the FileStream returned from File.Open in C# implements IDisposable, and by putting that FileStream object in a using block, the .NET Framework will call disposable when that block is exited. But what struck me, was that every time you get a FileStream object, it needs to be put in a using block. I have stubbed out an example of this against a call to the method ExecuteReader on the SQLCommand class.

public class Test
	public void RunQuery()
		string queryString = "testQueryString";
		SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("myConnectionString");
		SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
		DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
		using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
			while (reader.Read())
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", reader[0]));

While I do strongly agree the using block greatly improved the way we would have had to deal with closing the reader previously in .NET, after seeing the way Ruby deals with this. The reason I think Ruby handles this better is that for a number of scenarios the responsibility of disposing the object should be hidden from the consumer if possible. So I suggest that in the future, when designing your method calls the goal should be to make the disposing of the IDisposable automatic, at least from the point of view from the consumer. This helps reduce boiler plate code that has to be duplicated every where the method is used. The other reason that this is helpful, is that it prevents the consumer from forgetting to dispose of the object when they are done with it. It may also be helpful to create extension methods for those API calls you have no control over to give you this functionality as well, as shown below.

public static class FileExtensions
	public static void ExecuteReader(this SqlCommand command, Action block)
		using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())

public class Test
	public void RunQuery()
		string queryString = "testQueryString";
		SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("myConnectionString");
		SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
		command.ExecuteReader(reader =>
			while (reader.Read())
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", reader[0]));

Based on this we can even enhance this functionality and encapsulate the DbDataReader completely and pass a different type of object to the block if we decide that we have a better abstraction to work against.

Note: I almost decided not to post this, as I was at the Dallas Day of Dot Net this weekend and pinged Derick Bailey about this for his perspective as a developer who used both Ruby and .Net, and he mentioned his blog post How Ruby Taught Me To DRY Up My Code With Lambda Blocks on the topic.  So go read his entry as well, and try this out for yourself and let me know how this works for you.