Category Archives: JavaScript

Functional Geekery

In a previous post I mentioned I had a new project in the works. I was a guest on the Ruby Rogues podcast and made an announcement there, but for those who didn’t catch that episode, I am now announcing Functional Geekery, a podcast about functional programming.

After some issues with getting the hosting setup properly, and working with the hosting provider’s support for a couple of issues, the first episode is ready to go live! I will be working on getting it in the iTunes store, and some of the other podcasting services, but in the meantime, you can find it online.

I am hoping to have a wide range of guests and topics, from Clojure, to Erlang, to JavaScript, to F#, as well as Scala, Haskell, and functional programming in languages like C# and Ruby. If you have any suggestions on shows, topics, or guests, check out the About Page on the site to submit ideas.


Software Development Podcasts – 2013 Edition

I was recently chatting with some coworkers about podcasts I listen to, so I thought I should document that list for easy sharing and to find some gems I am missing.

I have taken advantage of my commute time and turned my commute into Automobile University as talked about by Zig Ziglar. I heard this idea via some fitness blogs I was reading where the trainers were talking about ways to continuously improve, and decided I would apply that idea to my commute, walks, or even running errands.

The other thing I have started taking advantage of is the ability of podcast players to play at double speed. Most podcasts out there do well at one-and-a-half or double speed, and have heard that some players even support three-times speed. This allows you to dramatically increase your consumption rate if you can follow along at those speeds. You may not understand everything that is said, but you can always go back and re-listen to sections if needed, let it broaden your known unknowns, and at the least it should help to remove some of your unknown unknowns.

I did a listing of Software Development Podcasts previously, and am going to try and make this a yearly or bi-yearly update based off how frequently this list of podcasts change in my rotation.

.NET Podcasts

Ruby Podcasts

  • Ruby Rogues – Panel discussion on various Ruby related topics and projects.

Clojure Podcasts

  • The Cognicast – Formerly Think Relevance podcast
  • Mostly λazy – Infrequent updates, but enjoyed the episodes that have been released

JavaScript Podcasts

  • JavaScript Jabber – Panel discussion on JavaScript topics, started by the host who started Ruby Rogues. The first episodes were hard to listen to due to some negativity, but have picked up listening to it again in the 50’s episode numbers, and working my way back as I get a chance.

Erlang Podcasts

  • Mostly Erlang – Panel discussion mostly about Erlang, but touches on related topics and other functional programming languages and how they relate to Erlang.


  • The Changelog – Podcast about Open Source projects from The Changelog
  • The Wide Teams Podcast – Hosted by one of the panelists of Ruby Rogues, with a focus on distributed software development, with the goal to find out the good and the bad experiences and help share information on how distributed teams work.
  • Software Engineering Radio – Recently I have only been finding a few shows on topics that seem interesting, but have a large backlog of shows with interesting topics.
  • GitMinutes – Podcast covering Git source control management.

New Comers

These are podcasts that I have only listened to a couple of episodes of, either because they have only released a couple, or have just started trying them.

On my list to check out

  • Food Fight – Podcast on DevOps
  • The Freelancers Show – Started by the same host of JavaScript Jabber and Ruby Rogues about freelancing. I would think the information would be relevant to full time employees even for working to build ones career.

If you have any other podcasts that are good please feel free to add your list of podcasts that I have left out to the comments.

**Updated 2013-10-24 7:54 CDT to include link to previous list of Software Development Podcasts
**Updated 2013-10-24 22:13 CDT to include The Changelog, a “podcast covering what’s new and interesting in open source”
**Updated 2013-10-24 22:28 CDT to include GitMinutes

How Clojure is breaking my brain – Loops

Seeing how Chris Houser, aka Chouser, aka @chrishouser, one of the co-authors of the Joy Of Clojure, shared a link to my post on twitter, and with a few tweets:

I figured I should follow up the start of that conversation, and tease apart my current thinking about loops.  The short version is:

I never want to have to write a loop again.

As this is quite the bold statement, some elaboration is in order.

First I realized a number of years ago that every time I would write a loop, I would write a lot of duplicate code. The code wasn’t always identical, but it had the same structure, so much so, that many IDEs now have ‘for loop’ templates. I had realized there were certain structures to the loops, but I never had the “AH-HA!” moment to truly recognize the patterns.

Then a series of events started to come together: I read Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs for the first time, we moved on to .NET 3.5 at work and were able to take advantage of LINQ, I started looking into Ruby, and finally, I started digging into Clojure.

Now I had heard people talk about some of the looping patterns before, hearing people talk about Smalltalk and Ruby, but it wasn’t until I started getting into Clojure that it fully clicked in that there really are only a handful of different loops: projection (map, select, transformation), collection (reduce, collect, aggregate, accumulate, sum, multiple), filtering (filter, exclude, include, where), grouping (group, frequencies), and maybe a couple of others I am leaving out now, as well as composition of the different looping constructs.


The projection looping pattern simply takes a collection of elements and applies some projection against them to get a new view of the objects. The Hello World example of this is the squares of a set of numbers.
The imperative version in C#, or any C-style language would be written as:

var squares = new List<int>();
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; 1++)
return squares;

In Clojure this would be:

(map #(* % %) (range 1 11))

In C# with LINQ this is:

  Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(x => x * x);


The collection looping pattern is about getting a single value out, though there may be cases when multiple values come out. The Hello World example of this tends to be the sum of the numbers in a sequence, or the multiple of the numbers.

The imperative version in C#, or any C-style language would be written as:

var sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; 1++)
  sum += i;
return sum;

In Clojure this would be:

(reduce + (range 1 11))

In C# with LINQ this is:

  Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Sum();


The filter looping pattern is to find a subset of items that match a criteria.

The Hello World example of this tends to be getting only the even numbers in a sequence.

The imperative version in C#, or any C-style language would be written as:

var numbers = new List<int>();
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; 1++)
  if (!IsEven(i))

return numbers;

In Clojure this would be:

(filter even? (range 1 11))

In C# with LINQ this is:

  Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Where(x => IsEven(x));


The grouping looping pattern is to create a set of groups of items, where each group match the same criteria.

The Hello World example of this tends to be grouping numbers of a sequence into those that are even, and those that are not.

The imperative version in C#, or any C-style language would be written as:

var groups = new Dictionary<bool, List<int>>();
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; 1++)
  var key = IsEven(i);
  if (!groups.ContainsKey(key))
    groups[key] = new List<int>();
return groups;

In Clojure this would be:

(group-by even? (range 1 11))

In C# with LINQ this is:

  Enumerable.Range(1, 10).GroupBy(x => IsEven(x));

In this type of looping, the differences between the imperative and the declarative styles really start to show, even in a simple example such as this.

What about for loops as a counter?

As you can see above, I was just going against a range of numbers, and if needed, would go against range generated with a increment.

OK. So!?


First, my disclaimer. I am sure I have some of the pattern names wrong, but I have tried to identify them generically to help describe the differences though name only. Second, I am by far not the first one to identify these, I am only trying to document my understanding at the time, and help spread knowledge about these concepts. I would love feedback on the correct pattern names, and the others that I might have left out, or missed, so that I can help keep this as accurate as possible.

Second, I realize that these are all trivial examples, but I hope they illustrate enough to clarify following point I am about to make, if you haven’t already bought into it.

The beauty of these is that the loops become easily composable, as well as the program is now freed from the implementation of these operations, which can be changed separately from the program. The operations could be lazily evaluated and only done on demand; they could be parsed and fed into one giant function that exhibits the same results but tuned to be able to require only one pass through the items; if the language, or program is idempotent, then they could parallelized either by splitting off work into smaller pieces and assembling the results together, or farmed out to multiple worker processes so that we have multiple subprograms working against a problem and then we get a result from those (first one wins, or some kind of voting system). But when I am writing the program those are details I don’t care about.

This allows me to first express what I want the program to do, and then (after) I have expressed my intent and am sure that it is correct, I, or preferably someone much smarter than me, can go back and determine how, and any better ways, to execute my intent.

So in summary, to take Steve McConnell’s quote in Code Complete:
…if you work for 10 years, do you get 10 years of experience or do you get 1 year of experience 10 times?
and ask:
…if you have been writing loops for 10 loops, have you just been writing same loop all 10 years?


How Clojure is breaking my brain – Javascript

As I have been digging into Clojure, and working through the Project Euler problems for having something to program in Clojure, I have discovered that Clojure is really starting to break my brain.

One example of this I encountered recently was in some JavaScript I had to modify and extend.

The specific JavaScript that I had to modify was to extend functionality whose purpose was to try and find an identifier that corresponded to a given range. As it existed though, the data I needed to operate against was defined in two different arrays, one which had all of the numbers for the ranges for the different options, and a second arrays which had the identifiers for the different options.

So for a given set of data (the following ranges are adjoining in this example, but that does not always hold true), which would be outlined as such:

  • When the value is between a min of 0 and max of 4 the identifier is ‘A’,
  • When the value is between a min of 5 and max of 17 the identifier is ‘B’,
  • When the value is between a min of 18 and a max of 33 the identifier is ‘C’, and
  • When the value is between a min of 34 and a max of 51 the identifier is ‘D’.

So given the criteria outlined above, the previous version of the JavaScript had two arrays that were defined as:

var ranges = [0, 4, 5, 17, 18, 33, 34, 51];
var identifiers = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];

And the code that did the checks for the the identifier that corresponded to a given value were defined as follows:

function someFunctionFor2Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1]) 
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  return null;
function someFunctionFor3Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1])
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[4] && currentValue <= ranges[5])
    return identifiers[2];
  return null;
function someFunctionFor4Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1])
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[4] && currentValue <= ranges[5])
    return identifiers[2];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[6] && currentValue <= ranges[7])
    return identifiers[3];

  return null;

If you look at the three functions above, you can see that they are the same, just with different number of if clauses depending on how many criteria were possible.

This is the first way that Clojure has broken my brain. I saw this, and immediately started thinking:

“Shouldn’t this be expressed in a different structure, one that makes the relationship between the id and the range explicit? Something like a map with the keys and values that I could destructure? With that nested in some kind of sequence, where I don’t care about the number of items, but just filter out the ones that match…”

As I am doing this in JavaScript this became an array (sequence) of JSON objects (maps).

var newStructure = [ {id: 'A', min: 0, max: 4 },
                     {id: 'B', min: 5, max: 17 },
                     {id: 'C', min: 18, max: 33 },
                     {id: 'D', min: 34, max: 51 } ];

This now allowed me to iterate over the sequence of JSON objects, and filter out the ones that meet a criteria, and then get the id for the first one. Which leads me to the second way that Clojure has started to break my brain and wriggle into it like the larvae of a Ceti Eel of Ceti Alpha V.

Where the way Clojure was twisting my brain, was that I started this by writing a couple of for loops in JavaScript to get the different results needed. As I was starting to type out the the third loop, I realized I was writing Yet Another Loop, and what I really wanted were higher order functions for JavaScript that could operate on a collection of items. I pulled out the search engine, and started looking for what higher order functions were available in JavaScript, but didn’t find any built in. I debated on writing my own, but decided I should investigate further to see if I could find any libraries as this seemed like it should be a solved problem for as long as JavaScript has been around, and found UnderscoreJS. This gave me the ability to not only use higher order functions but to be able to chain them and compose them in a reader friendly way, resulting in functions that now look like:

var newStructure = [ {id: 'A', min: 0, max: 4 },
                     {id: 'B', min: 5, max: 17 },
                     {id: 'C', min: 18, max: 33 },
                     {id: 'D', min: 34, max: 51 } ];

function isInRange(currentValue, candidate) {
  return (candidate.min <= currentValue && curentValue <= candidate.max);

function findIdentifierFor(currentValue) {
  return = _.chain(newStructure)
            .find(function(candidate) {return isInRange(currentValue, candidate);})

So in ending this segment of How Clojure is Breaking My Brain, I am yet again reminded of the quote that is quite popular in the functional programming circles from Alan J. Perlis in his “Epigrams in Programming” article for ACM SIGPLAN.

It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
