Category Archives: Career Change

Looking for a new job

The company I have been working for had to just go through a round of layoffs, due to not getting one of their main contracts renewed do to lack of funding by the state, and I have been included in that round.

My primary experience has been in C# on the Microsoft .Net framework for the past 10 years. Of those 10 years, 9 of them were working against the same product, and product suite allowing me to learn how some inconsequential decisions are not so inconsequential long term, and the value of care and commitment to a code base can be.

I am thinking that this would be a good opportunity to open myself up in trying to venture into a new language and toolset such as Ruby or Clojure. This is my open announcement for anybody who would like to poach a .Net developer if you are having problems finding developers fluent in your programming language.
