In trying to learn Clojure and wrap my head around good functional programming, and hoping to learn more idiomatic Clojure, I have started working through the Project Euler problems. In doing this, I have also setup a repository on to keep track of my progress, which can be found at My approach to Problem 6 can be found here.
Problem 7 of Project Euler is described as:
What is the 10 001st prime number?
(defn is-prime? [n] (cond (<= n 1) false (= n 2) true :else (loop [f 2] (cond (zero? (rem n f)) false (> f (Math/sqrt n)) true :else (recur (inc f)))))) (defn problem7 ([] (problem7 10001)) ([n] (first (skip-n (dec n) (filter is-prime? (iterate inc 1))))))
The is-prime? function check to see if the number is prime by checking if any of the numbers from 2 to the square root of the number is a divisor of the number.
The problem7 function is finds the n-th number in the sequence by skiping n-1 items, and then taking the first item of that sequence. This was before a previous post in which someone pointed out that the drop function was available instead of my home rolled skip-n function, so that can be replaced on the update.
Again, I would love comments and suggestions on my solution to this problem, and if there are tweaks to make it more Clojure-ish.
My solution to Problem 8 has been posted.
Pingback: Project Euler in Clojure – Problem 6 « Proctor It
The loop can be written more concisely with
. You might also try dividing only by prime factors instead of all integers; this is a good exercise in recursive lazy data.The
prefix is not necessary, since it means the same thing as the?
suffix.You probably want
instead of(first (drop ...))
is an awkward name. Unless you want to name all your solutions like this, how about a descriptive name likenth-prime
instead? (However, I probably wouldn’t bother creating this function at all — I’d just write the expression to get the 10001st prime.)So you are suggestion something along the lines of:
That does come across much more elegant and simple.
And for nth, as soon as I read your comment, it hit me as obvious.
Thanks for your feedback,
Yes. Or, more efficiently:
is the infinite sequence of primes.Pingback: Project Euler in Clojure – Problem 8 « Proctor It