Today’s Ruby Tuesday covers String#casecmp.
is a kind of oddly named method, as what it does is a case insensitive string comparison.
The return value of String#casecmp
is either -1
, 0
, or 1
, depending on if the item casecmp
is being called on is less than, equal or greater than the string passed in as an argument.
"foobar".casecmp("FOOBAR") # => 0 "abcdeft".casecmp("ABCDEFG") # => 1 "abcdefg".casecmp("ABCDEFG") # => 0 "A".casecmp("b") # => -1 "a".casecmp("B") # => -1 "z".casecmp("A") # => 1 "Z".casecmp("a") # => 1 "z" <=> "A" # => 1 "A" <=> "Z" # => -1 "a" <=> "Z" # => 1 "Z" <=> "a" # => -1
This can be handy if you are trying to match two strings by doing a downcase
or upcase
on the strings, as well as being more clear about what you are trying to accomplish with the comparision.
You can also take advantage of using String#casecmp
if you even need to do sorting of items by their name regardless of case.
["foo", "a", "Z", "Foo", "buzz", "FOO"].sort do |a, b| result = a.casecmp(b) if (result == 0) result = a <=> b end result end # => ["a", "buzz", "FOO", "Foo", "foo", "Z"]