How Clojure is breaking my brain – Javascript

As I have been digging into Clojure, and working through the Project Euler problems for having something to program in Clojure, I have discovered that Clojure is really starting to break my brain.

One example of this I encountered recently was in some JavaScript I had to modify and extend.

The specific JavaScript that I had to modify was to extend functionality whose purpose was to try and find an identifier that corresponded to a given range. As it existed though, the data I needed to operate against was defined in two different arrays, one which had all of the numbers for the ranges for the different options, and a second arrays which had the identifiers for the different options.

So for a given set of data (the following ranges are adjoining in this example, but that does not always hold true), which would be outlined as such:

  • When the value is between a min of 0 and max of 4 the identifier is ‘A’,
  • When the value is between a min of 5 and max of 17 the identifier is ‘B’,
  • When the value is between a min of 18 and a max of 33 the identifier is ‘C’, and
  • When the value is between a min of 34 and a max of 51 the identifier is ‘D’.

So given the criteria outlined above, the previous version of the JavaScript had two arrays that were defined as:

var ranges = [0, 4, 5, 17, 18, 33, 34, 51];
var identifiers = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];

And the code that did the checks for the the identifier that corresponded to a given value were defined as follows:

function someFunctionFor2Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1]) 
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  return null;
function someFunctionFor3Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1])
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[4] && currentValue <= ranges[5])
    return identifiers[2];
  return null;
function someFunctionFor4Options(currentValue) {
  if (currentValue >= ranges[0] && currentValue <= ranges[1])
    return identifiers[0];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[2] && currentValue <= ranges[3])
    return identifiers[1];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[4] && currentValue <= ranges[5])
    return identifiers[2];
  if (currentValue >= ranges[6] && currentValue <= ranges[7])
    return identifiers[3];

  return null;

If you look at the three functions above, you can see that they are the same, just with different number of if clauses depending on how many criteria were possible.

This is the first way that Clojure has broken my brain. I saw this, and immediately started thinking:

“Shouldn’t this be expressed in a different structure, one that makes the relationship between the id and the range explicit? Something like a map with the keys and values that I could destructure? With that nested in some kind of sequence, where I don’t care about the number of items, but just filter out the ones that match…”

As I am doing this in JavaScript this became an array (sequence) of JSON objects (maps).

var newStructure = [ {id: 'A', min: 0, max: 4 },
                     {id: 'B', min: 5, max: 17 },
                     {id: 'C', min: 18, max: 33 },
                     {id: 'D', min: 34, max: 51 } ];

This now allowed me to iterate over the sequence of JSON objects, and filter out the ones that meet a criteria, and then get the id for the first one. Which leads me to the second way that Clojure has started to break my brain and wriggle into it like the larvae of a Ceti Eel of Ceti Alpha V.

Where the way Clojure was twisting my brain, was that I started this by writing a couple of for loops in JavaScript to get the different results needed. As I was starting to type out the the third loop, I realized I was writing Yet Another Loop, and what I really wanted were higher order functions for JavaScript that could operate on a collection of items. I pulled out the search engine, and started looking for what higher order functions were available in JavaScript, but didn’t find any built in. I debated on writing my own, but decided I should investigate further to see if I could find any libraries as this seemed like it should be a solved problem for as long as JavaScript has been around, and found UnderscoreJS. This gave me the ability to not only use higher order functions but to be able to chain them and compose them in a reader friendly way, resulting in functions that now look like:

var newStructure = [ {id: 'A', min: 0, max: 4 },
                     {id: 'B', min: 5, max: 17 },
                     {id: 'C', min: 18, max: 33 },
                     {id: 'D', min: 34, max: 51 } ];

function isInRange(currentValue, candidate) {
  return (candidate.min <= currentValue && curentValue <= candidate.max);

function findIdentifierFor(currentValue) {
  return = _.chain(newStructure)
            .find(function(candidate) {return isInRange(currentValue, candidate);})

So in ending this segment of How Clojure is Breaking My Brain, I am yet again reminded of the quote that is quite popular in the functional programming circles from Alan J. Perlis in his “Epigrams in Programming” article for ACM SIGPLAN.

It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.


5 thoughts on “How Clojure is breaking my brain – Javascript

  1. mchampine

    Nice. Yes, it does change your thinking! But could you use ClojureScript instead of translating concepts into JavaScript? If so, your code above could be more elegant still:

    (def newStructure [{:id :A, :min 0, :max 4 }
    {:id :B, :min 5, :max 17 }
    {:id :C, :min 14, :max 33 }
    {:id :D, :min 34, :max 51 }])

    (defn findIdentifierFor [v]
    (for [rd newStructure :when ( (:B :C)

    1. Proctor

      I would not be able to use ClojureScript in this case. This is a team environment and not my own side project, and I don’t think that this is one of those areas where the pitch to pull in and use ClojureScript could/would be justified easily, in the same way that the move to CoffeeScript would be a hard transition to justify.

      I haven’t looked too deeply into ClojureScript, but from what little I have seen, I do agree that things could be more elegant, at least from someone drinking the Clojure flavored cool-aide.

  2. mchampine

    Oh oh, wordpress seems to have eaten my code. It turned : D into a smilely, and ate a bunch of code after the less than or equal operator. I’ll try again with the less than encoded:

    (defn findIdentifierFor [v]
    (for [rd newStructure :when (<= (:min rd) v (:max rd))]
    (:id rd)))

    Note that if the ranges overlap, this returns a list of all IDs for which v is in the range.

    1. Proctor

      WordPress tip I found use the ‘sourcecode’ tag in the square brackets with a ‘language’ attribute value of ‘clojure’.

      1. mchampine

        Good tip, thanks! Let’s give it a try:

        (defn findIdentifierFor [v]
            (for [rd newStructure :when (&lt;= (:min rd) v (:max rd))]
                (:id rd)))

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