Today’s Erlang Thursday digs a little into the queue
module, and we cover queue:cons/2 from the Okasaki API.
takes a item and a queue, and will return a new queue with the item at the head of the queue.
queue:cons(7, queue:new()). % {[],[7]} queue:cons(3, queue:cons(7, queue:new())). % {[7],[3]} queue:cons(nil, queue:new()). % {[],[nil]} queue:cons(5, queue:from_list([7, 9, 13, 21])). % {[21],[5,7,9,13]}
If we try to pass a list in to queue:cons/2
, we see that it does want a queue, and will not do an implicit conversion of a list to a queue.
queue:cons(5, [1, 2, 3, 4]). % ** exception error: bad argument % in function queue:in_r/2 % called as queue:in_r(5,[1,2,3,4])
As the queue is setup to be a double ended queue, the Okasaki API also provides a counter function queue:snoc/2, that adds an item to the tail of the queue passed in. Note that the argument order is swapped between queue:snoc/2
and queue:cons/2
; queue:snoc/2
takes the queue as the first argument, and the item to add at the tail as the second argument.
queue:snoc(queue:new(), 5). % {[5],[]} queue:snoc(queue:from_list([7]), 5). % {[5],[7]} queue:snoc(queue:snoc(queue:new(), 7), 5). % {[5],[7]} queue:snoc(queue:from_list([7, 9, 13, 21]), 5). % {[5,21],[7,9,13]}